Saturday, January 3, 2009

Dream Weaver

Happy New Year!!

We have just returned home from a great week with family in Ohio. While we were there, referrals came! It is completely likely that we will have a referral in Feb. or most likely March. It is a "twin" thing that makes me believe it will be March...Cheryl came home with Josie on March 9th, she got Emilie's referral on March 9th, and my paper work was logged in at the CCAA on March 9th. I thought the March 9th connection was complete until I realized that March 9th 2009 is on a Monday... a very likely day for referrals to arrive for the March batch. TBC......
During the past 3+ years of waiting I have had a few dreams along the way. Now before you jump to conclusions that I have leaped off the deep end, let me reassure you that I come from a family of dreamers. God himself used dreams numerous times in the Bible to reveal Himself.
So, I have decided to post a few of my dreams that I feel were from the Lord to bring comfort to us as well as reveal Himself in this process.
In September 2005...
I dreamed we were in China getting our girl and she was sitting in the box she was found in. There was a date written in pencil on the flap of the box with her birthdate. It read November 17, 2007 ( or 2008.) I remember noticing that the year was much farther out than what it was supposed to be, and this is why the year is a fuzzy detail. I was so busy telling the Lord he got the year wrong I couldn't see that He was trying to show me that the wait was going to be much longer than I expected. I noticed that when they were handing her to Mark that there was a wooden chair in the box that was sitting in a thin aluminum pan. I immediately thought to myself that she must have come from a family that cooked for living and that they did not want her to get wet (or dirty) while she was waiting to be found. The guide asked Mark what her name was and he told her "Caroline."
On December 15, 2007...
I deamed of a beautiful park in China. I noticed a young couple who was sitting in the grass crying and comforting one another. In this dream I remember having the awareness that they were grieving the abandonment of their daughter. The father kept referring to her as "Po-Po."
(There were some very personal details in this dream I have chosen to keep private, but should she arrive and there be a connection to those details, I will certainly post them as a testimony to the Lord.)
January 12, 2008
I dreamed about being led with Mark through a side entrance into an orphanage. There were babies everywhere on the floor... not in cribs. You could hardly move without stepping on them. I began to cry. Mark reached down and picked up a tiny one. I saw 2 women asleep in the far left cornor of the room. One of them woke up and I was struck by the sheer exhaustion on her face. I picked up a beautiful girl playing on the floor and she threw up on me. I remember being alarmed that it had worms in it!! I thought to myself..."as soon as we get her home we are all getting wormed!"
August 27, 2008
Not exactly a dream...
As I was in that in-between time of awake and asleep I saw a georgous baby girl sitting in a plain room with white walls. She was in a high-chair of sorts being fed a bottle. She was wearing a pink outfit with a cute pink headband.
I got out of bed thinking "was that a dream or a vision?" Later as I was getting ready it hit me like a ton of bricks! We were leaving that morning for Atlanta to complete or 3rd (yes... 3rd) round of federal fingerprints. I firmly believe that the Lord was encouraging me to remember that "she" is what this day was really about.
Now there you have it. Call me crazy or call me blessed. I know I am blessed!
Pray for us often..
Mark, Cindy, Jason, and Andrew

Joel 2:28


Kim said...

Thanks for sharing!!
I call you BLESSED!!

Kim said...




Kim said...

I'm going to check this site a billion times today waiting on that updateD blog about precious Delaney Joy!!!
HURRY UP!!! Ha..Ha...